“One Health needs ecology » : all is in the title!

here even if Eco-epidemiology cannot be reduced to the association of ecology and medicine (see definition on this website), the ecological science does indeed provide fundamental elements of analysis and management to move towards true One Health (not just its fashionable displa). Probably evolutionnary biology must be included the same […]

surveillance des épidémies

Programme du parcours GS-EPI

Organisation  et progression :             L’année 1 est principalement une année commune aux deux parcours de la mention : elle présente un tronc très majoritairement commun en M1 semestre 1 (26 ECTS/30) avec une option libre permettant d’explorer des domaines et d’approfondir des enjeux. Le choix du parcours se concrétise […]


Epidemics and outbreaks of diseases du to pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, eukaryotic parasites) have increased in recent decades (LINK). Recent outbreaks of SARS, Ebola, Zika and highly pathogenic avian influenza as well as COVID-19 and African Swine Fever pandemies are proofs of this phenomenon. As well as the resurgence of […]