Epidemics and outbreaks of diseases du to pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, eukaryotic parasites) have increased in recent decades (LINK). Recent outbreaks of SARS, Ebola, Zika and highly pathogenic avian influenza as well as COVID-19 and African Swine Fever pandemies are proofs of this phenomenon. As well as the resurgence of measles, the antibiotic resistance of an old enemy causing Tuberculosis, the increasingly tenacious pressure of hospital-acquired diseases, and the still worrying presence of Malaria, Dengue fever and Anthrax….

The parameters involved  in this increasing are complex and multiple: degradation of natural ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, overexploitation, intensive agriculture, urbanization, human density(s), artificialization of environments, climate change, pollution(s), globalization of human and commercial exchanges, inappropriate use of antibiotics, poorly adapted care, reduced vaccination coverage, poverty… These changes and imbalances have many different origins. The study and the management of epidemic phenomena therefore require the involvement of a wide range of skills and different levels of analysis. In other words, an integrative, multi-disciplinary, multi-scale and multi-sectoral approach, true implementation of the One Health concept. This approach is referred to as the eco-epidemiology of emergencies, in the original sense of the term defined by Susser & Susser in 1996 (LINK). Note that the ecological and evolutionary perspectives facilitate synthesis by placing analyses of underlying biological phenomena at population, spatial and temporal dimensions.

The general challenges to deal with these phenomena are as follows:

  • Study to Understand (research) or Describe and Identify (application)
    • ecological cycles and pathogen transmission dynamics
    • evolutionary mechanisms (and their molecular mechanisms) favoring epidemics, emergence and/or host changes
    • eco-environmental factors favoring epidemics and/or emergence
    • socio-economic factors favoring epidemics and/or emergence
  • Identify, quantify (research) or take into account (application) the relative risks linked to each of these factors in each case of epidemic and/or emergence.
  • Apply the above knowledge to surveillance and/or control in each epidemiological and socio-economic context.

Overall Objective of the Eco-Epidemiology master’s program at the University of Montpellier

The aim of the Eco-EPI master’s program is to train experts able to meet the challenges of the emergency and epidemiological management of human and/or animal pathogens. Once they have graduated, they will be :

  • future eco-epidemiologist-researchers, aware of socio-economic contexts and issues : program EI-EPI (mainly in french, with some mandatory english classes and teachings) and Eco-EPIED (mandatory in english)
  • future managers aware of biological and environmental data : program GS-EPI (mainly in french, with some mandatory english classes and teachings)

The “multi-disciplinary and integrative scientific approach” that characterizes the training program is essential to the challenges facing our contemporary societies. Graduates of this specialization, whether researchers, experts or managers, will be “involved” scientists, playing a full part in the various stages of these challenges.

Link to the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP) file for the Eco-EPI master ( in French)